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French University of America
Léonard Foujita Arts & Letters College

Lèonard (Tsuguharu) Foujita Famous French-Japanese painter from the école de Montparnasse in Paris. During WWII, after returning to his native Japan, he was the Navy military painter and documented Pearl Harbour attack, In 1950, he come back to Paris with his wife Kimiyo. They became French citizen. He converted to Catholicism, through his friend Georges Prade,  He  took the first name of "Léonard* in reference to Da Vinci. He constructed the Foujita chapel originally name "Our Lady of Peace", where he is buried with his wife.

Degrees through VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience

VAE Bachelor
Pay 1000€ VAE jury fees
Decision within 2 months

VAE Master
Pay 2000€ VAE jury fees  Decision within 2 months

VAE Doctorate
Pay 3000€ VAE Jury Fees 
Décision within  2 months

  • Admission Decision within 7 days

If admitted

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